Accessibility Statement

The Opole Voivodeship Self-Government undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The accessibility statement applies to the E-Turysta application.

Compliance status

The application is partially compliant with the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities, due to incompatibilities or exclusions listed below.

Unavailable content

The content listed below is unavailable for the following reasons:

  • some of the published photos, graphics and charts do not have an alternative description,
  • the films do not have subtitles for the deaf


  • maps are excluded from the obligation to ensure accessibility,
  • files created by entities other than the Marshal’s Office of the Voivodeship Opolskiego and submitted for publication in paper or scan form are not available due to lack of access to the source data,

Date of last review of the declaration: .

Preparation of the accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on: 2024-03-31.

Method of preparing the statement:

The declaration was prepared on the basis of a self-assessment conducted by the public entity.

Feedback and contact details

In case of problems with the accessibility of the application, please contact us. The contact person is Aldona Stahlberger, You can also contact us by calling the phone number 77 444 55 19 . In the same way, you can submit applications for access to unavailable information and file complaints about the lack of accessibility.

Information about the procedure

Application and complaint procedure

We kindly inform you that in accordance with the Act of April 4, 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities, everyone has the right to submit to a public entity a request to ensure the digital accessibility of a website, mobile application or any element thereof. You can also request that information be made available in alternative forms, for example by reading a digitally unavailable document, describing the content of a film without audio description, etc. The request should include the data of the person making the request, an indication of which website or mobile application is in question and the method of contact. If the requesting person reports the need to receive information in an alternative form, they should also specify the form of this information.

The public entity should fulfill the request immediately and no later than within 7 days from the date of the request. If it is not possible to meet this deadline, the public entity shall immediately inform when the request will be possible to fulfill, provided that this deadline cannot be longer than 2 months from the date of the request. If ensuring digital accessibility is not possible, the public entity may propose an alternative method of accessing the information.

If the entity refuses to comply with the request to ensure accessibility or alternative access to information, a complaint may be filed against such action, to which the provisions of Section VIII of the Act of 14 June 1960, the Code of Administrative Procedure, shall apply.

After exhausting all possibilities, the complaint may also be sent to the Commissioner for Human Rights to the following address: The contact person for the application and complaint procedure is: Aldona Stahlberger, tel. 77 444 55 19 , e-mail:

Website of the Commissioner for Human Rights:

Additional information

Date of application publication: 2023-02-01.

Date of last update regarding change of appearance, structure of information or method of publication: 2023-05-01.

Contact details of the public entity:

Voivodeship Marshal’s Office Opole

45-082 Opole, ul. Piastowska 14
Tel.: +48 77 54 16 410
Fax: +48 77 54 16 411

Architectural accessibility

Departments and Offices of the Marshal’s Office of the Opole Province are located in the following facilities in the city of Opole:

ul. Ostrówek 5-7
Government of the Opole Province, Office Information and Office Office, Organizational and Administrative Department, Marshal’s Office. Architectural accessibility:
  • the building consists of 5 floors (basement, ground floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor) and is equipped with a passenger elevator providing access to all floors of the building. The elevator is adapted for use by people with disabilities,
  • the entrance to the building (on the ground floor), without architectural barriers, is equipped with sliding doors, automatically opened by a motion sensor, adapted for people with disabilities,
  • on the ground floor near the entrance there is an information point adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. The point employee provides information on the layout of the rooms in the building if necessary,
  • on the ground floor near the information point, as well as on the 3rd floor there are toilets adapted to the needs of people with disabilities,
  • on the ground floor in the hall next to the information point there is a board with information on the location of individual departments and the Provincial Board in the building,
  • it is possible for a person using an assistance dog to enter the building,
  • people with special needs are provided with the possibility of evacuation or their rescue in another way – a marked evacuation route through the entrance on the ground floor.

ul. Piastowska 12
Organizational and Administrative Department, Security Office, Representative for the Protection of Classified Information. Architectural accessibility:
  • due to the lack of a passenger lift to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor of the building, where the Office’s offices are located, people with special needs should go to the information point located in the building at ul. Piastowska 14 – Ostrówek (approx. 50m), where an Office employee will be called by phone to serve the above person,
  • a wheelchair lift (stair lift) is located on the stairs behind the entrance to the building. The platform serves the levels between the ground level and the ground floor,
  • on the ground floor inside the building, behind the entrance to the building, there is a board with information about the location of offices and departments in the building; on the front elevation at the entrance to the building there are boards with the name of the institution,
  • you can enter the building and all of its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog,
  • during the evacuation, designated persons from among the employees will provide assistance in leaving the building to persons with special needs,
  • there are two parking spaces for the disabled directly in front of the building.

ul. Piastowska 13
Treasurer of the Opole Province and the Department of Finance. Architectural accessibility:
  • persons with special needs use the call system – intercom (located by the entrance door in the corridor at ground level) to call an employee of the Office who will take care of the above person, or persons with special needs can go to the information point located in the building at ul. Piastowska 14 – Ostrówek (approx. 50 m), where an employee of the Office will be summoned by phone to serve the above-mentioned person,
  • at the entrance door in the corridor at ground level there is a call system – intercom, with described cells (secretariat, department) located in the facility,
  • you can enter the building and all its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog,
  • during the evacuation, designated persons from among the employees will provide assistance in leaving the building to people with special needs,
  • there are two parking spaces for the disabled 30 m from the entrance to the building.

ul. Piastowska 14
Ostrówek – Department of Digitalization, Office of the Regional Assembly. Architectural accessibility:
  • access to the facility is collision-free to both floors of the building: to the ground floor from the side of the car park from Barlickiego Street and to the ground floor from the side of the car park at the Piastowska Tower. There is a passenger lift between the floors in the facility. People with special needs have access to the ground floor of the building from the ground level. From the ground floor to the ground floor (and vice versa), these people can move by a lift adapted to transport disabled people. People with special needs have access to the ground floor of the building via a ramp adapted to move in a wheelchair,
  • in the facility (on the ground floor) there is a toilet room adapted for people with special needs; the entrance to the building (on the ground floor) is equipped with sliding doors, automatically opened by a motion sensor,
  • in the security room located by the elevator (open 24 hours a day), a security guard will assist you with operating the elevator if necessary and provide information on the layout of the rooms in the building,
  • you can enter the building and all of its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog,
  • people with special needs are provided with the possibility of evacuation or their rescue in another way – a marked evacuation route through the entrance on the ground floor and in the basement of the building.

ul. Piastowska 17
Office of Dialogue and Civic Partnership. In the building at ul. Piastowska 17 in Opole (owned by the Silesian Institute in Opole), the Office rents office space located on the first and second floors. For the building at ul. Piastowska 17 in Opole, the requirements for ensuring accessibility for people with special needs are posted on the BIP website of the Silesian Institute in Opole at the link: There are public parking spaces for the disabled near the building and along Piastowska Street.

ul. N. Barlickiego 17
Department of International Cooperation and Regional Promotion. Architectural accessibility:
  • people with special needs are directed to the information point located on the ground floor of the building – collision-free access from the ground level
  • on the ground floor of the building there is an information point and a table for people with special needs. The information point staff calls an employee of the Office who will undertake to serve the above. people,
  • on the front elevation at the entrance to the building there are boards with the name of the institution and department,
  • you can enter the building and all of its rooms with a guide dog and an assistance dog,
  • people with special needs are provided with the possibility of evacuation or their rescue in another way – a marked evacuation route through the entrance on the ground floor and in the basement of the building,
  • parking spaces for the disabled are located 50m away in the public car park at the National Centre of Polish Song.

ul. gen. J. Hallera 9
Department of Rural Development, Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Infrastructure and Economy, Department of Regional and Spatial Policy, General Chancellery of the Organizational and Administrative Department Architectural accessibility:
  • the building consists of three segments A, B and C. Segment C has a passenger lift, which allows for movement to all floors of this segment. Segments A and B are not equipped with passenger lifts. People with special needs have access to the ground floor of the building (segments „A”, „B” and „C”) via a ramp adapted for moving in a wheelchair at the main entrance to segment „C”,
  • in the building (on the ground floor of segment „C”) there is a toilet room adapted for people with special needs,
  • in segment „A” there is an information point and a table for serving people with special needs. The information point staff will call an employee of the Marshal’s Office of the Opole Province, who will take care of the above-mentioned persons. At the entrance to the building, on the ground floor in segment „C”, information on the layout of departments and offices in the building has been placed on the wall,
  • you can enter the building and all of its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog,
  • people with special needs are provided with the possibility of evacuation or their rescue in another way – a marked evacuation route through the entrance on the ground floor and in the basement of the building,
  • there are two parking spaces for the disabled near the building.

ul. S. Żeromskiego 3
Department of Culture and Regional Heritage, Department of Sport and Tourism, Geodesy and Cartography Section of the Department of Regional and Spatial Policy. Architectural accessibility:
  • lack of specially adapted access for wheelchair users to the ground floor of the building, where the elevator and building security point are located,
  • there is an elevator in the building serving all floors in the facility, but only from the ground floor of the building,
  • on the ground floor, in the security room located next to the elevator, a security employee helps with operating the elevator and provides information on the layout of the rooms in the building; the security guard calls an Office employee who will take care of people with special needs on the ground floor (those who can get to the ground floor of the building),
  • you can enter the building and all of its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog,
  • people with special needs are provided with the possibility of evacuation or their rescue in another way – a marked evacuation route through the entrance on the ground floor of the building,
  • parking spaces for the disabled are located 50m from the building of the Marshal’s Office of the Opole Province on ul. Grunwaldzka.

ul. Krakowska 38
Department of Programming of European Funds, Department of Implementation of European Funds, European Funds Ombudsman. Architectural accessibility:
  • there is a collision-free access to the building via the main entrance from the ground level,
  • there is an elevator in the building serving all floors in the facility. In the underground part there is a car park with a parking space for people with special needs. In the facility (on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors) there are toilets adapted for people with special needs,
  • on the ground floor in the security room located by the elevator, a security employee helps with operating the elevator and provides information on the layout of the rooms in the building,
  • you can enter the building and all of its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog,
  • people with special needs are provided with the possibility of evacuation or their rescue in another way – a marked evacuation route through the entrance on the ground floor of the building,
  • a parking space for the disabled is located on ul. Krakowska, 20m from the building of the Marshal’s Office of the Opole Province.

ul. Powolnego 8
Department of Investment and Real Estate, Ownership and Financial Supervision Team of the Department of Finance – 1st and 2nd floor. Architectural accessibility:
  • people with special needs are directed to the information point about European Funds located on the ground floor of the building – it is possible to use a transport chair (so-called stair climber) for disabled people,
  • in the above-mentioned point, a person with special needs will be served by an employee of the given department,
  • on the front elevation at the entrance to the building there are boards with the name of the institution and department,
  • you can enter the building and all of its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog,
  • people with special needs are provided with the possibility of evacuation or their rescue in another way – a marked evacuation route through the entrance on the ground floor,
  • a parking space for the disabled is located on Powolnego Street, 10m from the building of the Marshal’s Office of the Opole Province.

ul. Ozimska 19
Department of Education and the Labor Market, Department of Health and Social Policy, Plenipotentiary of the Opole Voivodeship Board for the Prevention and Solving of Addiction Problems, Regional Contact Point INTERREG Czech Republic-Poland 2021-2027, Interreg Team – 8th floor, Control and Audit Office, Team for Own Projects of the Department of International Cooperation and Promotion of the Region, Department of Certification and Accounting of European Expenditures of the Department of Finance – 9th floor. Architectural accessibility:
  • the building has a passenger lift, which allows for travel to all floors of the building. People with special needs have access to the ground floor of the building via a ramp adapted for wheelchair movement at the main entrance,
  • on the ground floor in the security room a security guard helps with operating the lift and provides information on the layout of the rooms in the building,
  • on the ground floor of the building there is a toilet adapted for people with special needs,
  • you can enter the building and all of its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog,
  • people with special needs are provided with the possibility of evacuation or their rescue in another way – a marked evacuation route through the entrance on the ground floor of the building,
  • a parking space for the disabled is located in the public car park by the building.

Information Points of the European Funds in the Opole province:

  • Main Information Point of the European Funds in Opole, ul. Leona Powolnego 8, ground floor – there is a possibility of using a transport chair (so-called stair climber) for disabled people.

A parking space for disabled people is located on Powolnego Street, 10m from the Main Information Point of European Funds.

Working hours: Monday 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Thursday-Friday 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.,
Consultant phone numbers: 77 44 04 720, 77 44 04 721, 77 44 04 722

  • Local Information Point of European Funds in Nysa, ul. Słowiańska 19 (building of the District Labor Office (PUP), 3rd floor – it is possible to provide consultations on the ground floor of the building. For this purpose, please contact the point by phone to inform the employee about the need to organize a consultation on the ground floor of the building. The nearest parking space for a disabled person with vertical and horizontal markings is located 30 meters from the PUP building, on the left side, behind the building of the Psychological and Pedagogical Counseling Center at ul. Słowiańska 17. It is also possible to park a vehicle on the right side of the PUP in the large parking lot and, in exceptional situations, in the yard of the building right next to the entrance to the PUP, where there is a vertical lift for a disabled person (ground floor of the building).

Working hours: Monday 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Tuesday-Friday 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.,
Telephone numbers to consultants: 77 448 99 63, 77 448 25 86

Architectural accessibility of information points:

  • Induction loops are available at all information points. It is also possible to hire a sign language interpreter.
  • The buildings have markings and information about the location of the points, information boards and instructions on where the points are located.
  • You can enter the buildings and all of their rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog,
  • The points have evacuation procedures and evacuation route markings.

Information on the availability of a sign language interpreter:

In order to ensure proper service for people experiencing permanent or periodic difficulties in communication, the Marshal’s Office of the Opole Province has defined the rules for access to its services, which are available on the Office’s BIP website at: