About the project

The project is implemented in partnership with the Olomouc Region, the Jeseníky – Sdružení cestovního movement and the Střední Morava – Sdružení cestovního movement.

The aim of the project is to promote the values ​​of the historical, natural and cultural heritage of the Opole Voivodeship and the Olomouc Region through the use of modern promotional and marketing activities. The aim will be achieved by:

  • use of mobile technologies
  • joint campaigns promoting mobile applications
  • joint thematic events supporting tourist traffic during which the application will be promoted.

Project implementation date: January 2021 – July 31, 2023.

Main project activities:

on the side of the Opole voivodeship:

  • creation of a mobile application to promote attractions in the Opole Voivodeship and Olomouc Region
  • application promotion at tourism fairs in the Polish-Czech border area and beyond
  • promotional campaign of the project’s activities in the media: radio, press, television, Internet

on the side of partners from the Olomouc region:

  • promotion of the application by organizing a Roadshow and participating in fairs in the Czech Republic and Poland
  • promotional campaign of the project’s activities in the media: radio, press, television, Internet

Target group of the project:

  • tourists/potential visitors to the region from/outside the Programme support area
  • inhabitants of a common region